Comics for 8/15/2007

Countdown #37 3/5
A digression again from last week. Mary Marvel sees Zatanna's pad. Trickster and Piper get caught by Poison Ivy. Oracle does a diagnosis on Karate Kid. Jason Tood and his group has a coameo as well as Holly and Harley. The only real good part of the book, Jimmy as Mr. Action wants to join the Teen Titans so when Robin puts him to the test, nothing happens. The problem with this book isn't so much what is in there, more of what isn't in there. It's the price of a regular comic, but you lose 2-3 pages to the backup (this week the hostory of Poison Ivy) and there are so many characters that no one gets any spotlight. Also almost everything happening in here is resolved in another book. I should just give this up, but I see potential here that I can't yet.

Justice League of America #12 3/5
Again another disappointment. Sometimes I don't get the comic industry. Brad Meltzer, who can be a great writer, starts the One Year Later run on JLA but only for 12 issues. So basically we get 7 issues of the team coming back together and why (mediocre), 3 cross-over issues (actually the best of the run), one issue where 2 members are buried alive (Boring and with a bad fill in artist), and this one. So really no momentum going into the new writer. I give this issue a lower enjoymeny rating not really because on its own it was horrible, just that it's the last of Meltzer's run and it feels like it. It wasn't really a story so much as little vignette's of each hero in the League. Just didn't do it for me. I hope the new writer kicks the stories into high gear from this point out.

Brave and the Bold #6 4/5
I have really liked the Brave and the Bold up to this point. This issue seemed a little rushed, but otherwise still an enjoyable end. I don;t know if I really buy how they resolve the conflicts though with the Zeta Beam mixed with Green Latern ring stuff, but it's a comic so you can let a little slide by.

Booster Gold #1 5/5
Easily the best comic I have read in a long time. Other than Booster Gold in Justice League Unlimited cartoon, I really didn't know much about him. In Identity Crisis he gave up Superheroing for awhile until Ted Kord, his friend, died. That story kicked off the Infinite Crisis event where Booster goes back "home" to the future and comes back and helps save the day. From there he becomes a main character in 52 and fakes being a jerk and fakes his own death so he can help save the day as Supernova with no recognition.
That leads into the story where Booster starts to rebuild his reputation and wants to join the Justice League. Rip Hunter tells Booster though that time is still broken and Booster is the only one equipped to deal with it. Some bad guy is going through time and trying to erase heroes and it seems some villians as well before they become powerful. The problem is that Booster needs to remain being a joke of a superhero in everyone's eyes or else the villian will do it to him as well. So again, Booster needs to be the greatest hero no one will ever know.
Booster accepts and disses the Justice League, saves a boy from dying and tells theboy to say Superman saved him, and rescues the first victim, his great great grandmother. Oh and the Supernova costume is stolen and last seen on a mysterious person talking to Sinestro when Sinestro was still a Green Lantern!
Labels: Comic Books
I remember Wondergirl talking to Supernova thinking for some reason it was Conner. :(
Yeah Wondergirl was still grieving over Conner's death at that point and slightly delusional.
The whole time it was Booster, only a Booster that was about 3 months older. At week 15 Booster faked his death and went back in time as Supernova to throw off suspicion of who he was. At the end of 52, Daniel Carter, Booster's ancestor, was wearing the costume, and was the one who was wearing it when it got stolen.
I think the bad guy is going to be Ray Palmer....just a hunch.
Oh and if you are a Conner fan, which i am guessing you are, He will be in an upcoming Teen Titans arc where the future Titans from an earlier storyline will be showing up, and Conner and Bart will still be alive.
Conner is a hottie :p
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