Hell Comes From Frogtown
A whole lot of letters put together saying nothing
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Global Warming IS Man-made (up)
Here is a detailed reason why Global Warming is man-made
Here is a complete list of thing caused by Global Warming
Junk Science is offering 125k for someone to proove that humans are causing Global Warming.
- At October 12, 2007 7:32 AM, Robguy said...
and now Gore has a Nobel to put on his mantle. Won't all those scientists have egg on their faces.
- At October 12, 2007 11:56 AM, KingUnbeliever said...
Not really, I think most people think its a joke now. Look who has won in recent years....Kofi Annen, Jimmy Carter, and Yassir Arafet to name a few.
It's like when Gore won for best documentary, an award like that given to "one of your own" despite the fact that it is inaccurately and the worst done documentary out of all the choices.
Gore winning that and this nobel prize is like me winning the nobel peace prize because Scott and Bryan get to pick the winner.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
- At September 09, 2007 9:08 PM, Robguy said...
Haha - it's so you with Elmo
Friday, August 17, 2007
A Tax Cut From A Democrat?
Hell has officially frozen over today.
It is amazing, I can't remember the last time a democrat actually admitted that by giving businesses less tax burden that it will help those businesses expand and grow!
Governor Jim Doyle today announced $7.5 million in sales tax exemptions and tax credits for businesses to expand broadband access - providing cell phone and high speed Internet service for 350,000 Wisconsin citizens. The tax credits will help nine businesses invest more than $80 million to expand broadband access - benefiting 261 communities in 63 counties across the state. Governor Doyle announced the tax credits as part of the broad effort to grow the economy in Northern Wisconsin.
Now could it be such a huge leap in logic for them to realize that lowering the taxes of all the people in the state could also have the same affect on us?
Doesn't seem likely....
Labels: Politics
- At August 19, 2007 12:43 AM, Robguy said...
Bah! Doyle is just a republican in sheeps clothing. More corporate welfare for companies like Charter who can't provide the services they offer. I wonder how big the re-election campaign will benefit from this? I'm sure he'd give you a tax break if you gave half of it back to him.
(I checked out that website - I didn't realize Wisconsin had Elk hunting).
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Comics for 8/15/2007

Countdown #37 3/5
A digression again from last week. Mary Marvel sees Zatanna's pad. Trickster and Piper get caught by Poison Ivy. Oracle does a diagnosis on Karate Kid. Jason Tood and his group has a coameo as well as Holly and Harley. The only real good part of the book, Jimmy as Mr. Action wants to join the Teen Titans so when Robin puts him to the test, nothing happens. The problem with this book isn't so much what is in there, more of what isn't in there. It's the price of a regular comic, but you lose 2-3 pages to the backup (this week the hostory of Poison Ivy) and there are so many characters that no one gets any spotlight. Also almost everything happening in here is resolved in another book. I should just give this up, but I see potential here that I can't yet.

Justice League of America #12 3/5
Again another disappointment. Sometimes I don't get the comic industry. Brad Meltzer, who can be a great writer, starts the One Year Later run on JLA but only for 12 issues. So basically we get 7 issues of the team coming back together and why (mediocre), 3 cross-over issues (actually the best of the run), one issue where 2 members are buried alive (Boring and with a bad fill in artist), and this one. So really no momentum going into the new writer. I give this issue a lower enjoymeny rating not really because on its own it was horrible, just that it's the last of Meltzer's run and it feels like it. It wasn't really a story so much as little vignette's of each hero in the League. Just didn't do it for me. I hope the new writer kicks the stories into high gear from this point out.

Brave and the Bold #6 4/5
I have really liked the Brave and the Bold up to this point. This issue seemed a little rushed, but otherwise still an enjoyable end. I don;t know if I really buy how they resolve the conflicts though with the Zeta Beam mixed with Green Latern ring stuff, but it's a comic so you can let a little slide by.

Booster Gold #1 5/5
Easily the best comic I have read in a long time. Other than Booster Gold in Justice League Unlimited cartoon, I really didn't know much about him. In Identity Crisis he gave up Superheroing for awhile until Ted Kord, his friend, died. That story kicked off the Infinite Crisis event where Booster goes back "home" to the future and comes back and helps save the day. From there he becomes a main character in 52 and fakes being a jerk and fakes his own death so he can help save the day as Supernova with no recognition.
That leads into the story where Booster starts to rebuild his reputation and wants to join the Justice League. Rip Hunter tells Booster though that time is still broken and Booster is the only one equipped to deal with it. Some bad guy is going through time and trying to erase heroes and it seems some villians as well before they become powerful. The problem is that Booster needs to remain being a joke of a superhero in everyone's eyes or else the villian will do it to him as well. So again, Booster needs to be the greatest hero no one will ever know.
Booster accepts and disses the Justice League, saves a boy from dying and tells theboy to say Superman saved him, and rescues the first victim, his great great grandmother. Oh and the Supernova costume is stolen and last seen on a mysterious person talking to Sinestro when Sinestro was still a Green Lantern!
Labels: Comic Books
- At August 16, 2007 4:18 PM, Robguy said...
I remember Wondergirl talking to Supernova thinking for some reason it was Conner. :(
- At August 16, 2007 5:00 PM, KingUnbeliever said...
Yeah Wondergirl was still grieving over Conner's death at that point and slightly delusional.
The whole time it was Booster, only a Booster that was about 3 months older. At week 15 Booster faked his death and went back in time as Supernova to throw off suspicion of who he was. At the end of 52, Daniel Carter, Booster's ancestor, was wearing the costume, and was the one who was wearing it when it got stolen.
I think the bad guy is going to be Ray Palmer....just a hunch. - At August 16, 2007 5:01 PM, KingUnbeliever said...
Oh and if you are a Conner fan, which i am guessing you are, He will be in an upcoming Teen Titans arc where the future Titans from an earlier storyline will be showing up, and Conner and Bart will still be alive.
- At August 19, 2007 12:46 AM, Robguy said...
Conner is a hottie :p
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
- At August 16, 2007 12:16 AM, Robguy said...
I'm going to steal this to put on my blog. :P
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Comics For 8/8/2007

Countdown #38 4/5
Much better this week. We had Mary Marvel trying to stop the last remaining Deep Six member before he got killed. Oracle and Calculator going head to head virtually. Piper and Trickster "proving" their innocence to Batwoman and Renee with a puppet show. Robin proving to Jimmy Olsen that he isn't a superhero. And the monitors finally getting around to what is so dangerous about world jumpers. This series could still be better, and I have a feeling with the rotating artists and writers that certain weeks are going to be better than others depending on which team does them. But it also could mean they are finally starting to find their voice and the quality will continue to improve.

Batman #667 4/5
I like Grant Morrison and I like Batman so those two together is a good thing. Batman and Robin head to an island to meet with the Batmen of all Nations. Basically a silver age campy thing that Morrison turns deadly as a mysterious villian starts killing them off one by one. I liked the issues writing, but the artist changed and not for the better or else it would have been closer to a 5.
Labels: Comic Books
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Barry Bonds, The New Home Run King
Barry Bonds did it, and all I have to say is
'nuff said.
Labels: Free Time, Ridiculous
- At August 10, 2007 10:18 PM, Robguy said...
I've never been a huge sports fan, but I like baseball - up until the strikes in the 80's. Screw them. Screw any sport where the jocks get paid millions of dollars a year and don't care about the fans.
Friday, August 03, 2007
Comics for 8/1/2007

This weekly series has started off slow. It has gotten a little better, but still seems like there is more potential than substance. We are 25% of the way through so I think there should have been more here. This book needs to start kicking it in high gear or people are gonna drop it. But I am liking the Search for Ray Palmer so I got....

I really don't get the draw of the shrinking, and I don't really get the whole nano/palmerverse thing, but damn was this issue a great read. I have been thumbing through these because of Gail Simone and already on the fence about getting it but I am hooked on her at least. I started buying comics again when I read that Jason Todd may be coming back. For some reason that drew me in instead of pissing me off. So since he is in the search, I am along for the ride.

I almost gave it a 4, but this issue wasn't as good as previous ones. I like what Wolfman is doing over all though. Dick Grayson has been punked the last few years and Marv is finally getting him back as a respectable hero. This issue however was a step back in art (there is actually a spot on a building that says "insert Wayne Tower here", and the issue is a little confusing. What I did like is the retcon of Dick Grayson growing out of his role of Robin versus the whole Batman "firing" him as Robin.

This JSA is all about second generation characters that pretty much I have never heard of or read about. Johns makes me like them and want more. When they relaunched this book I was going to give it a shot and I am glad I did. Almost every week this is a home run for me. This week has Jesse Chambers in it who is the dughter of the original Liberty Belle and Johnny Quick of WW2 Golden Era time. This is basically a recap of her and her parents along with Professer Zoom taunting Damage about what he did in Ifinite Crisis. Kingdom Come Superman is coming next issue which should get interesting!
Labels: Comic Books
- At August 03, 2007 10:59 AM, Robguy said...
ok, now you need to start reading the comics that I like and reporting on them - or scanning them and sending them to me...
They really don't do Halloween like they should in Australia.
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