Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Blast From The Past

No not this!

Springboob and I were talking this morning about various things on the ride into work this morning and it drifted towards Dancing with the Stars and one of the dancers, Joey Lawrence. And after saying his name I went "Woah!", a catch phrase from his show on Blossom. Springboob said he was talking with his wife about it and did the same thing.

Later in the morning The Donald found out why there was an on/off switch on the paper puncher thing (for a middle hole), and said to me, "Now you know", which I immediately said back to him "And knowing is half the battle!", from the end of every G.I. Joe cartoon episode.

So that made me start to think about other things associated with people or shows that I or other people may still say about them. Another example is that I still call Mark Wahlberg "Marky Mark".

Anyone else have any?



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